Feeling fatigued? You’re not alone. 40% of today’s workforce struggle with fatigue regularly while at least 15 percent of women report debilitating fatigue that keeps them from daily activities.
Why you should avoid excercising in Airconditioning
How many of you realise that air conditioner can be super harmful to your health? No one right? Yes! It harms our health and does not even give you the desired result while you are working out with a lot of efforts.
My name is Lauren. I’m a step mum and mum to 3 kids. I am also now a Certified Jazzercise Instructor. Growing up I was a pretty active kid, from playing with the neighbourhood kids to playing team sports I was generally amongst it. I managed to carry that through my 20’s but then came my 30’s and my first baby…..
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See you on the dance floor!
You know you should exercise. You know it’s good for your health, your mind, your body. And you know to do it… you really do. But there are just too many things that stand in the way.